Career Course webinar

in this webinar you will learn:

  1. how to create your personal brand

    • why it is important while searching for your career

  2. leverage your network

    • to maximize your current network online and off

  3. articulate your skills and experience to find a fulfilling career

    • to put your best features forward, answer those tough questions and explain why you left your last position


Are you tired of sending 100s of resumes into a blackhole and never getting an interview?

Are you getting interviews but no offers?

Whether you are looking to change careers, move from the military world into civilian employment or are trying to move up in your current company; now is the time to take charge. Stop doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

This is the opportunity to make the life-changing moves you have been dreaming about.

The job searching field has changed and you need to make sure you have changed with it.

Join us to get fully updated on what it takes to land your dream career in 2019.


This webinar is a MUST ATTEND if…

  • You are tired of being underemployed and underpaid

  • You are frustrated with not being able to get the promotions you deserve

  • You are done with training your next boss

  • You want to go to work and be in a space that feels custom made for you

Everyone, whether scared, confident, nervous, or excited, about their career transition, has to face the first question:


Dr. Kim Bynum

Dr. Kim Bynum

A personal invitation from Kim…

In my 21-years as a Naval Officer, I have managed hostile work environments and navigating difficult situations is my happy place. I have helped numerous veterans land their dream career after a successful military tour. I transitioned those skills into helping others in the corporate world get hired, promoted, recognized and paid their worth.

This is a brand new, fresh for 2019 webinar that will teach you the 3 MAIN points when landing your dream career. I can’t wait to slash your job hunting time and help you land your dream career.

See you there!
