What started as a Summit has turned into a mission.


Our Mission

To build community and relationships through connection and support. To meet women where they are and to help them navigate their course to where they want to be.

Kim Bynum career coach

April Caldwell, MBA

April has spent 20 years in the financial industry with the first 10 being in the corporate world before taking her experience and opening a financial brokerage firm where she led a team of over 60 agents. April now runs a boutique financial firm coaching women to help them increase their income and manage their money.

Dr. Kim Bynum

Kim embodies equal proportions leadership, decorated military service and tough mom love. In her 21-year career as a Naval officer, she has managed tough situations in hostile work environments. Dr Bynum is currently a professor of leadership, management and economics, and teaches at Jacksonville University and DeVry Keller School of Management. She holds degrees in electrical engineering, business administration and management, and wrote her Phd dissertation on motivational behavior.